Welcome readers to the newest update for the Dash28 Kings of Hobby challenge. With this being the end of month 3, we are at the halfway point of our challenge! As a reminder for readers, both new and old, for the Kings of Hobby challenge a group of Dash28 writers each started a new hobby project; and are earning bragging points, based on completing new projects. Each month they attempt to finish 250 points each month. Increasing the army by painting and basing 1 new unit, character, monster, or warmachine -1 point
To add an extra layer to the proceedings, we allowed fans to vote for their favorite entry from the last two months on our Dash28 Facebook Page, found here
First place from the contest would receive 2 bonus bragging points, with Second receiving 1 bonus bragging point.
The Results…drum roll:
1st Place- Billy Smith with his Regiment of Succubi
2nd Place- Ben Stoddard with his Elf Dragon
3rd Place- Robert Phanuef with his Halfling Hero
4rd Place- Jake Ciarapica with his Tortured Soul Regiment
5th Place- Joey Greek with his Salamander Mage Priest
We will be doing another of these voted competitions at the end of month 4, so if you haven’t yet, head over to our Facebook page and like it!
Well without further delaying, it is time to figure out how our hobbyists did this month.
Ben- Horde of Awoken Guardians (215) and Forest Warden with Orcish Skullpole (80)- Total Points 295 3 Bragging Points Earned Full report found here

Rob- 1 Regiment of Spearmen (120), Giant (190)- Total 310 Points 3 Bragging Points Earned Full report found Here

Billy- Archfiend of the Abyss (250)- Total Points 250 3 Bragging Points Earned Full report found here
Jake- Mau’Ti-Bu-Su (165)- Total 165 2 Bragging Points Earned Full report found here

Joey- Distracted by other project, submitted nothing 🙁 0 Bragging Points Earned

Current Standings
Ben- 10 Bragging Points
Billy- 10 Bragging Points
Rob- 8 Bragging Points
Jake- 4 Bragging Points
Joey- 3 Bragging Points