Welcome to the KINGDOM of halfMEN.
Let’s start this month by introducing the newest recruits to the Army of Fordern.
Regiment of Spear Phalanx (120 points)
I really enjoyed painting these spear with the fancy attire up! In particular I really enjoyed painting the fully armored champion standing on a small rocky outcropping on the back left side of the base. It get’s me very excited to paint more armored troops in the future. I’m also very happy with the basing for this unit. I love how it creates a backdrop for the unit. Plus the black border on the base really is the finishing touch to unit. Thanks to all of you for the suggestion!

Giant (190 points)
As I mentioned last month this would be the first model in the army that wouldn’t be from the Westfalia range. This is the War Bear from Atlantis Miniatures and I’ve been dying to find a reason to paint him up and I’m super happy with how he came out! I based him up just like the rest of the army using resin bits.

At this point I’ve assembled a small force pushing close to 1000 points so I figured I’d share the first shots of the army all together.
As I’ve rambled on a bit let’s get to my April commitment. As I’m running the Blues City Brawl I’m trying to keep it realistic so I will only be working on 2 regiments.
Shield Warden, 2 Regiments of Shield Wall (200 points)
The Shield Warden are the stalwart defenders of Fordern. Given their small stature and the need to maintain their nimbility when fighting in close quarters each member of the Shield Warden equip themselves from head to knee in a comfortable assortment of plate and chainmail armor. Further, each brandishes a small one handed sword and a large round shield. When activated the unit can interlock their shields creating a formidable wall of iron that the fiercest opponents would find difficult to route. Many deep and dark passages over and under the mountain have been saved by the sheer ferocity of the Shield Warden.
For this unit I’ll be using the Halfmen Swords from Westfalia Miniatures. One slight change I plan to make is to upsize the shields to give them the look that they could interlock into a shield wall. It’s a balancing act as I want to avoid making the shields so big they would become unwieldy. One issue I’ve run into is all the aftermarket shields I have found were sized for normal human sized, or bigger, infantry. A common size I found is 18mm diameter – which is way too big for these halflings. I also looked at shields designed for 20mm and 15mm models but all I found was metal shields and none of them were the right aesthetic. So now my intention is to model up the shields and have them 3D printed. If done well they can just nestle over on the existing shield with now conversion work required. As a bonus this unit could also double as Foot Guard with hand weapon and shield if I needed the extra hitting power or if I had a few extra points to spend.
Fortunately, I was smart enough to get a small head start and here are the Regiment bases that can be combined into a Horde!