Well, let’s cut to the chase. I had a complete fail this month in regards to the Halfmen. June saw too many events and other hobby digressions funneling away my precious time. However, it’s only proper that you get to see the entire army created through this Kings of Hobby challenge. While this may be the end to the Hobby Challenge I can assure you that this is NOT the end of this project.
Welcome to the KINGDOM of halfMEN.

Nestled within the northern foothills of the Dragon Teeth Mountains and accessible by a few treacherous paths known only to the most skilled rangers and mountain goats lies the unassuming Halfling settlement of Fordern. Founded as a provisional mining camp near several rich mineral deposits the settlement makes heavy use of the nearby Passage of Cataclysm to move the ingots of their labor to the heart of the Successor Kingdoms, to whom they’ve pledged their fealty. Given their close proximity to the fertile lands of Rhordia and several northern Dwarven strongholds Fordern has become a prominent trading outpost among Halflings, Men and Free Dwarfs. More recently, with the completion of the Great Wall along the edge of the Dragon Teeth Mountains Fordern has essentially become cut off from many of the southern men they once called brothers. Fordern now finds themselves as the solitary steward of the Passage of Cataclysm and maintain a vigilant garrison to safeguard this increasingly vital trading route. Equipped by the profits of trading and hardened by the harsh realities of mountain life Fordern is prepared for the great reckoning at hand.
Barorin Hilltopple and Bregork, Captain, Mounted (170 points)
Ensuring the security and long term stability of Fordern can be a difficult job at times. But being the Head Paymaster also yields Barorin Hilltopple certain perks and a whole lot of interesting friends that a halfling of his stature couldn’t dream of. He is a halfling of self-made means which insulates him well from the normal trappings of positional wealth that ruin most people. But even Barorin would admit he covets his power and appreciates the wide latitude he’s afforded. Fortunately Bregork, his Ogre bodyguard and friend, is ever present and quick to put him back on track should he stray from course.
Spectis Bluelake, Army Standard Bearer, Mounted (65 points)
Spectis Bluelake was raised in a small lake town on the Ardovikian plains. His father was an exceptional farmer who masterly tilled the fertile lands of Rhorida while his mother was a budding alchemist providing her unique wares for trade. His life was that of any other halfing in the League; comfortable, safe and secure. However, his idyllic world came to an abrupt end with a catastrophic experiment that took the lives of his parents. Initial anger towards the Celestians for allowing this to happen was gradually replaced by the disillusionment of his predicament. Spectis looked up to the sky for relief but the only thing he could see were the mountains. Fortunately, in Fordern he not only found common ally that understood his plight but also shared his newly found disdain for the life he once cherished. He now proudly carries the Fordern army banner to war mounted atop his fearsome battle goat, Bouquetin.
Thornes of Fordern, Horde of Foot Guard x 2 (225 points)
The Thornes, as they are commonly known, are a standing company of soldiers with the responsibility for maintaining the vigilant watch over the areas around Fordern. Those lucky enough to be selected into its ranks can earn as much profit as a small merchant. This ensures that the commanders of are never in need of quality volunteers to defend Fordern and her trade interests.
Grim Blades, Regiment of Foot Guard (135 points)
Grim Blades are the personal Foot Guard of Barorin Hilltopple, Paymaster of Fordern. They are equipped with the finest armor and bi-handed great swords trading profit can buy. Ironically, these weapons have mostly become ceremonial and see little combat given their impracticality for fighting within the mountains. However, their real impact is felt when these weapons are deployed in the role of executioner. As such the Grim Blades have developed quite the ruthless reputation among Fordern’s enemies, hence their name.
Barorin’s Bulwark, Regiment of Spear Phalanx (120 points)
Barorin’s Bulwark are the ceremonial house guard of Fordern. Members are selected along blood lines and wealth rather than actual military talent. To that end this unit is typically left behind when the armies of Fordern marches to war!
Gnights, Troop of Knights (125 points)
Terrible is the sight of an enraged Goat barreling forward down the mountain side into your ranks. There is no more nimble a beast of burden to be found in all of Mantica. It’s made all the worse for the enemy when there is a fully armored Halfling atop it’s back.
Troop of Bowmen (75 points)
Given their stature this unit uses the surrounding terrain to give themselves a height advantage and a clear line of sight to the enemy. If it can be done behind the main battle line all the better.
Troop of Arquebusiers (100 points)
Renderous, Giant (190 points)
Renderous is a local inhabitant of the mountains and has been known to come to the aid of Fordern when persuaded with food and drink. That is when he’s not hibernating. Fortunately, for Fordern only a fool would attack a mountain stronghold in the winter.
Ogrut, Cannon (85 points)
So what’s next for the army? More Gnights!
Winged Fury, Regiment of Knights (195 points)
Terrifying is the sight of these flying Knights bearing down on the enemy. They maintain a loose formation that allows them more mobility and reactiveness on the battlefield, with dynamic maneuvers that often manifest in sudden changes of directions. This flexibility makes it impossible for the enemy to predict from which direction they will be struck. As such no flank can truly be considered safe.