Today let’s look at new items and some cool changes to the old ones! We won’t be exploring all the items and their minor points changes as it may become so dull that someone (me) bangs their head into a wall. At first glance, it is nice to see that common and heroic artifacts have been separated into two separate sections in the rule book, which makes it much easier to follow. Heroic artifacts being only be taken by… you guessed it! Heroes. So let’s jump in and see how I do at talking about something that isn’t sportsmanship and not having a penis.

Common artifacts
My favorite change to common artifacts is that there is a points difference for some artifacts based on the size of the unit taking them. Troop/regiment vs. horde/legion. Thoughts on this being that the impact of the artifact is much greater on the larger units therefore should cost more. Logical, I like it. I am interested to see if this will give us a shift of seeing more troops/regiments taking items than in 2nd Ed. In the previous edition it tended to be the hordes that carried the artifacts. Making a horde of KoM Foot Guard elite when they have 25 attacks feels more worthwhile than a regiment with 12 attacks having it. It will also mean that cavalry regiments can take some artifacts at a decreased price from 2nd Ed. I dig it. Even a 5 point difference means I can take another item somewhere else. It’s the little things.
New Common Artifacts
Liliana’s Tear (5 pts): Makes your unit unaffected by Dread, Shattering and Brutal. I can just imagine an Ogre player being sad that all that brutal is useless against the unit carrying it. And by Ogre player, I am thinking of my boyfriend. Plus 5 point items are a beautiful thing to help round out your points.

Mead of Madness (10 pts): Unit gains Wild Charge (+1). Similar to second edition’s Whip of Celerity, which is no more in third. In second, Whip of Celerity felt very “Gotcha” with that extra 1 on the charge. However, here in third that’s what is going on all over the table with wild charge being parts of so many units. Maybe I will also experience less “Gotcha” moments since I will need to pay more attention to all the variable charges that can happen.

Blood of the Old King (15 pts): Now, this isn’t necessarily new but it has a new twist to it. For one turn the unit gains elite (melee) and vicious (melee). AND for every dice you re-roll, your unit takes a point of damage. I have mixed feelings about this. Elite and vicious are so amazing, but my luck would have me roll mostly 1’s and make my unit devastated. PS. No nerve test is required for this self inflicted damage.

Sacred Horn (15 pts): With so many auras being added to third ed, this item feels like it will play an important role. Taking the Sacred Horn gives an additional 3 inches to the aura of a given unit. And anyone that has taken very inspiring knows the difference 3 inches can make.

Sir Jesse`s Boots of Striding (15 pts): Now I have already tried out this item on a horde of siege breakers, and being ‘no I am using my fancy boots and I am not hindered in this charge’ feels pretty good. Though at the end of the day I am still a bit conflicted about the item itself. For 5 pts more I can get Potion of the Caterpillar and be pathfinder all the time. Walls would still leave me hindered on the charge but I can move at the double through all the trees I want! When trying to chose, it will come down to your play style, or even better, just take both!

New Heroic Artifacts
Conjurer`s Staff (10 pts): Roll a non-unique spell, re-roll one dice that failed to hit. Simple straightforward. I just really want this for those misses with my bane chant, but I am mixed on the point cost. Ya know. Like I am probably buying bane chant, then also buying an item for the misses from said bane chant. Just feels a little pricey for me… says the girl who will drink a $5 coffee, but calls 10 pts expensive.
Trickster`s Wand (15 pts): Gain Hex (2), but ALSO if you hit an enemy carrying one and do damage… their wand is broken for the rest of the game. Sounds fun and silly, but I honestly just don’t see it happening often enough to get me excited.
Tome of Darkness (20 pts): Gain surge (4) or an extra 4 to your surge. Now I never play a surge army so am I one to give you an opinion on this item? Am I going to do it anyway? No.

Most Important Change
I leave the most critical change for last. Dramatic effect and all that.
There is no more…. Kevinar`s Flying Hammer.
Yes, yes, I know. It is tragic but you will get over it. Probably.
Ashley, I used Kevinar`s Flying Hammer! How will I ever spend my last 5 points?
We want/need Kevinar’s flying hammer back.