Hello everyone, welcome to Week 3! This was a bit of a shorter week for me, as I posted Week 2 late (Monday) and am obviously posting this today (Saturday). Despite that shortened time frame I still managed to finish 3 Soul Reaver models, and get started on the next batch of three!
A large part of this was due to two longer evening painting sessions Tuesday and Wednesday. I have to thank Counter Charge After Dark, a great group that gets together and chats online while painting, for the extra push.
It had been a while since I joined in the call, and Rashad Navidi, one of the main participants in the chat gave me a poke asking me to get on. I decided to jump on, and had such a good time chatting that I stayed on about 2 hours after I had actually planned to be asleep!
If you are looking for extra support, or encouragement, while working on hobby, consider joining in on this group. Its a lot of fun! Here is a link to their facebook page.
Well without further delay, lets see the unit, now that it has 4 members!

For next week, I plan to finish at least another 3 models, preferably another 5, which would leave me with just the command group to do the following week.
I’m enjoying your blog, but most of the images here are broken – they seem to be gmail links?
Thanks for the heads up, i’ll see if I can figure out what is going on
Should be fixed now 🙂