We’re back with another live streamed battle report with commentary to help beat back those quarantine blues! Grab a beer and join us on our YouTube channel for Alex Kus and Allen Buehner‘s first round match for It’s Always Sunny in Pannithor 2, this Thursday the 1st, 8:30 PM EST / 5:30 PM PST!
Direct link to the livestream – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cALJel683zA
Suggestion – could you let folks know what armies are being played on these announcements? I’m still very new to KoW and thanks to the pandemic, haven’t got to play any… and I don’t know any of these players from John or Frank tbh… but if you said it’s “Orcs vs Undead” for example then suddenly I would be quite likely to check it out 🙂
Hi! Thanks for the suggestion, but, sorry, I won’t do that for a couple of reasons.
First, I only rarely know what armies they will be playing at the time we announce it.
Second, every other battle report channel features the channel owner playing against a small number of opponents and focuses on the armies. We differentiate ourselves by featuring a wide variety of top players, so we specifically focus on the players and how they play rather than the armies.
After the livestream, I do go back and add them to playlists by-army on our youtube channel though. So if you are more interested in seeing examples of specific armies because you are just starting out then I would encourage you to check those out.