Narrative Scenario – Dragon Hunt

I am very pleased to share the first fan-submitted narrative scenario. You can find all entries in this series by clicking here. If you have a narrative scenario that you’d like to share with the -/28 community, please send it to me at – Greg

Hello Everyone! My name is J.J. and I am a South Eastern U.S. tournament player (been playing any army that has Monstrous Infantry or Large Cavalry) and Pathfinder. I have only been playing wargames for a couple of years now, but have played plenty of tabletop RPGs. Hopefully, I can apply some of my RPG homebrew experience to KoW.  

I had an idea to take some of the more “basic” scenarios and add a narrative flair to them for some variety and maybe balance them for use in organized play. Though, today’s idea may have ballooned into something more. Anyway, let’s get to the point of this: a new scenario. 

Dragon Hunt! (or Titan Hunt)


The Dragon acts at the end of each player’s turn and is controlled by the player who is about to take a turn and has stats based on its location on the field of play. 

Turn order:

Turn 1Turn 2Turn 3Turn 4Turn 5Turn 64+ Turn 7
Player 1
Dragon (Player2)
Player 1
Dragon (Player2)
Player 1
Dragon (Player2)
Player 1
Dragon (Player2)
Player 1
Dragon (Player2)
Player 1
Dragon (Player2)
Player 1
Dragon (Player2)
Player 2
Dragon (Player 1)
Player 2
Dragon (Player 1)
Player 2
Dragon (Player 1)
Player 2
Dragon (Player 1)
Player 2
Dragon (Player 1)
Player 2
Dragon (Player 1)
Player 2
Dragon (Player 1)

Dragon Statistics:

Inside of the Dragon’s hoard (50% or greater):

Crushing Strength (3), Elite (Melee), Fly, Inspiring(Self), Nimble,Strider, Regeneration (5+), Arcane Fire
Spells: Fireball (12)
Arcane Fire: Whenever this unit rolls to hit with Fireball, it can re-roll all dice that score a natural, unmodified 1 and gain Piercing (2) modifier.

Outside of the Dragon’s hoard (less than 50% inside): 

Crushing Strength (3), Fly, Elite, Inspiring(Self), Nimble, Dragon’s Breath (12”, Steady Aim)

Each army gains a loot counter that can be given to any Troop, Regiment, or Horde Now, in addition to having the normal effects of the counter the unit also gains the following abilities:

Nets: The unit gains the Ensnare special ability. 

Harpoons: The unit gains Enthrall(6) and if the spell pulls the Dragon within an inch of the unit with the Harpoons it becomes engaged with the unit. A unit engaged with the Dragon in this way may be attached in the flank or rear arc.

Looting the Hoard

A unit inside the Dragon’s hoard (50% or more) generates 1 loot counter that is placed on the unit that generates it. Only one unit per side, per turn, can generate loot counters in this way. They function as loot counters in every other way. 

Victory Condition:

The Army with the most victory points after round six or seven depending on the round six roll.

Amount of Victory Points:

Capturing the Dragon: If the Dragon is engaged with a unit that has Nets and Harpoons at the end of the game you gain 5vp.

Killing the Dragon: If you Rout the Dragon you gain 2vp.

Looting the Hoard: You gain 1vp for each loot token you control at the end of the game.

About Greg

Greg is an avid Kings of War hobbyist, gamer, and podcast host from the Northeastern United States. On -/28 he'll be providing you with a range of different articles, mostly focused on the hobby and narrative sides of Kings of War.

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