Greetings Dash28 fans, as some of you may know, Monday was the first part of the live Match-Up drawing for the US Masters. This has become a bit of an annual tradition, where panelists are gathered to read pairings, share the player’s lists, and then make often generic guesses about how the game will go. It’s a lot of fun, helps hype the event, and I am enormously grateful to Matt Carmack and the other panelists for bringing this together. I have been on these before, and they are tough to do, so a big thanks to everyone who made this happen.
However, it is also a behemoth of a video clocking in at 4.5 hours! If you have the time and inclination, you are welcome to watch the whole thing on twitch; however, if you are rather looking for specific players, lists, or pairings, never fear, below will be timestamped and a little commentary of my own.
If you want to see the lists you can find them here.
Without further delay let’s dive in!
Match 1: Cory Walizer (Ogres) vs. Dylan Murray (Salamanders)
Time: 7:44-23:26
My predictions: Both of these lists are pretty interesting with some great variety. Dylan’s packs an absurd amount of Defense 6, which will serve him well in the event, but I think Cory’s Hunters are going to be money in this match. Dylan’s Tyrants are going to struggle to make big impact if Cory can use terrain and Ensnare to keep them hitting on 4s. Because of this, I predict Cory has a slight edge.
My Predicted Winner: Cory
Match 2: Donny Krosch (Basilea) vs. Jeff O’Neal (Goblins)
Time: 23:50- 38:00
This is an extremely tough match for Donny. Jeff is a favorite to take the event, and to top it off, Jeff is well set up to deal with a compact, lower Nerve list like Donny’s.
My Predicted Winner: Jeff
Match 3: Jon Vanase (Forces of the Abyss) vs. Erich Trowbridge (Orcs)

Time: 38:26- 54:48
This is a match to watch, not only is the current reigning master taking the exact list he won with last year (love the moxy) but he is paired against a list that I think is well situated to deal with what the orcs are bringing. In many ways, this will be the first test if Trowbridge’s Orc list can deal with the new meta of unlocking small arms fire (x3 Flamebearer Regiments!) that wasn’t at last year’s masters. However, it’s tough to bet against the reigning champ, so I gotta give it to Erich by a narrow margin.
This is bound to be one of the more entertaining matches of round 1!
My Predicted Winner: Erich
Match 4: Jeff Schiltgen (Abyssal Dwarves) vs. Julien Lesage (Rhordia)
Time 55:00- 1:12:00
I’m not the biggest fan of either of these lists. Both have components I think form a strong core, but then spend points of other things that I think could just be better. As a regular Abyssal Dwarf player myself, I am not a big fan of Dravak and Infernok, their special rule is cool, but I don’t think they are particularly good. Siege Breakers are an very odd choice for Abyssal Dwarves, since they already have access to SO much Crushing Strength. I can’t help but see Jeff’s list and think there has to be some aesthetical/miniature driven choices for the list, in which case good on him! Julien’s list could have fit a third Honor Guard Horde or some Cannons in and been really strong, but as is, i’m not the biggest fan of the knights. I give the edge to Jeff, because Julien doesn’t have the tools to force Jeff to commit, and all that Defense 6 excels at grabbing objectives and surviving charges, something Julien can’t afford.
My Predicted Winner: Jeff
Match 5: Kyle Timberlake (Dwarves) Vs. Stephen DeRose (Order of the Green Lady)
Time: 1:12:46- 1:29:30
I really like Stephen’s list! It’s not that Kyle’s is bad, but Stephen’s brings a lot of dynamic movement, a solid amount of shots, a TON of Pathfinder and Speed, backed up with some decent anvils and just a hair of Surge. Kyle’s list isn’t dead in the water, weathering shots and speed, while grabbing objectives, is sort of something Dwarves excel at, and Kyle is bringing the tools to accomplish this, I particularly think 3 Cannons and 3 Regiments of Ironguard is nasty! However, I am going to give the edge to Stephen.
*I liked Stephen’s list so much I just had to feature it below*
My Predicted Winner: Stephen

Match 6: Adam Ballard (Empire of Dust) vs. Shannon Shoemaker (Goblins)
Time 1:30:30 – 1:53:00
This is another table to watch for some tight tactical play, both Adam and Shannon regularly do well at the Masters, and both are known for playing extremely tight strategic games. Looking at both their lists, I am not as big a fan of Shannon’s list, I don’t quite see the purpose for the Forces of Nature allies he brought, particularly in the toolbox list that is Goblins. In comparison, Adam’s list seems to pair together really well, since both players are pretty evenly matched, I have to give the narrow edge to Adam, whose list I like better.
My Predicted Winner: Adam
Match 7: Mike Grant (Undead) Vs. John Blakemore (Dwarves)
Time: 1:53:00- 2:10:00
Both of these lists are quite tough, with neither wasting any space. I really love the amount of shooting with tough objective holders John is bringing to the table; however, against all the Crushing Strength in Mike’s list I don’t think the Ironguard regiments will stand up for long. Mike also has the tools to screen his important stuff, and hit John’s shooting fast. I see Mike taking this match, though both of these lists I think could do very well in the event.
My Predicted Winner: Mike
Match 8: Drew Gaddy (Dwarves) vs Tony Rodgers (Abyssal Dwarves )
Time: 2:10:25 – 2:25:50
This is an interesting match, Drew basically is putting a ton of Brocks, Rangers, and some mounted characters on the board, while Tony has a bit more of a blended Abyssal Dwarf army. One thing that really pops out to me is that Drew has put a LOT of items on his Brocks making them a little pricey, but hasn’t found points for the Blade of Beastslayer on his Berzerker Lord, I think this is going to cost him heavy in this match, as he doesn’t have an easy answer for the Defense 6, but still punchy, Lesser Obsidian Golems. The Brock Lord with Blade of Beastslayer can rapidly chew through Defense 6 monsters, but as is I think Tony has more tools to deal with Drew’s list then vice versa.
My Predicted Winner: Tony
Match 9: Chris Murphy (Basileans) vs. Blake Robertson (Nightstalkers)
Time: 2:26:00- 2:45:00
I really like the potential visuals here of the gleaming forces of Basilea facing off against the scary shadowed hordes of Nightstalkers; however, I think the lists here have a bit of a mismatch. Chris is going for some extreme alpha strike, while Blake is trying for a combination of hitty stuff with some shooting, but overall less speed. I think this is exactly what Chris wants to see, and his Iron Resolve is going to reduce the effectiveness of the Nightstalker shooting unless he can pull targets off in one go.
My Predicted Winner: Chris
Match 10: Bart Kohler (Trident Realms) vs. Keith Randal (Elves)
Time: 2:45:50- 2:55:43
Ouch, this is a tough match-up, Trident Realms generally don’t want to face Elves, and Keith Randal is the Elf King of the US. With both the tools and the experience to back it up, I think this should be a tidy win for Keith. Though Bart’s army will look much nicer!
My Predicted Winner: Keith
Match 11: Dustin Howard (Northern Alliance ) vs. Jason Britt (Kingdoms of Men)
Time: 2:56:00- 3:12:31
Both of these lists are utterly gross, Dustin is hiding behind a pithy name, but at its core, it’s utter filth, and Jason’s list makes you fight in the shade of his many MANY shooting attacks. This is an interesting pairing, both are experienced players, with Dustin taking the edge thanks to placing really well the last several masters. However, I really like the tools Jason has brought for dealing with a slower army like Dustin’s. I’m sure Dustin has a plan, but from my perspective, I think Jason’s list has a slight edge.
*This would be another match to watch, as it’s very different style lists coming head to head*
My Predicted Winner: Jason
Match 12: Tom Annis (Undead) vs. Tyler Shulz (Ogres)
Time: 3:12:54- 3:22:04
Another matchup where I think one army has a clear upper hand, Tom’s Undead is absolutely gross and is well set up to outmaneuver and chew through Tyler’s army.
My Predicted Winner: Tom
Match 13: Garret Mercier (Trident Realms) vs. Jeremy Duvall (Basileans)

Time: 3:22:12-3:38:50
This is a really interesting matchup, both Jeremy’s and Garret’s lists pair really oddly. Garret is taking a LOT of crabs and monsters, giving him high Defense and Crushing Strength, but low volumes of attacks, while Jeremy has a blended approach, but not much to pop the crabs in one go. I think visually and tactically this will be a really fun game to watch, and I can’t wait for Jeremy to talk about it on Counter Charge. Push comes to shove, I think Jeremy has more flexibility in his list, so I think there are more scenarios he will be ok seeing.
My Predicted Winner: Jeremy
Match 14: Mike Rossi (Dwarves) vs. Billy Henninger (Varangur)
Time: 3:39:16- 3:39:52
The dwarven anvil meets the speeding bullet that is Varangur cavalry, this is another really interesting match-up. I think Rossi is going to struggle with so much of the Varangur being Stealthy, and Billy’s speed really put him in a nice place to dictate fights. Rossi also has been heard stating, “I always vote against Dwarves winning as a matter of principle,” and i’ll go with him on it this time :D!
My Predicted Winner: Billy
Match 15: Travis Timm (Goblins) vs. Jeff Radigan (Nightstalkers)
Time: 3:49:56- 4:03:15
Some Goblin filth meets some Nightstalkers that just aren’t quite prepared. Travis is going to do really well in this match, both because his list is cheese, and because he has been playing it consistently well for so long.
My Predicted Winner: Travis
Match 16: Brinton Williams (Orcs) vs. Lex Simons (Forces of the Abyss)
Time: 4:04:16 -4:23:42
I like both of these player’s lists a lot, they both are pretty cool without relying on spamming anything too much. However, Lex brings more speed, and not much less punch, and a lot better chaff, leaving me to think he has the edge.
My Predicted Winner: Lex
Whew and there you have it, the first half of the US 2021 Masters pairings! I am hoping to get the second half up later this week, so stay tuned!