Alex, the time has come to face some hard truths, old friend. Just a few short years ago you were a shining star of the Kings of War Community. Winner of the U.S. Masters, author of a highly lauded -/28 article series, it seemed you could do no wrong.

We in the Northeast put our faith in you. We viewed you and the Mid-Atlantic as the community’s best hope for bringing the South’s dynasty to a close.
How wrong we were.
Today, you are but a shadow of your former self. A broken shell of a man sitting upon a false throne, allowing a puppet master to make a mockery of your once proud kingdom.
With Jake lording over the Mid-Atlantic, the region has fallen to shambles. Though his presence is felt throughout the Kings of War Community, we all know where his interests truly lie.
Directionless, the Mid-Atlantic has fallen further and further from the top. There is one brave soul who has fought valiantly to uphold the reputation of the region.
His success has threatened to upset the balance of power, and Jake has made it his mission to thwart him. Dedicated though Joey may be, he cannot hope to rebuild the region on his own. Others in the Mid-Atlantic have fought back more subtly, their efforts going mostly unnoticed and uncredited.
It is for their sake, and the sake of us all, that I beseech you to face the truth. In order to move forward, you must confront your past. The time for denial is gone. The traumatic event which set your decline in motion was the loss of your tournament partner, Mike Austin.
His withdrawal from the scene has cut you deep, but you CAN get through this. You WILL get through this. Cast off the influence of that snake, Ciarapica, and whatever dark master he serves. Reforge your vows to make the Mid-Atlantic a powerhouse for Kings of War. Together, we will bring the South to their knees.
I must thrash you now, but it brings me no joy. It is an act of mercy. Once you have been thoroughly defeated and your mind once more becomes your own, you will thank me.

The Crossroads GT is a 2300 point Kings of War Grand Tournament taking place in Elmira, NY on September 25th and 26th. For more information, visit