Anyone following Kings of War news will likely have seen an increasing hubbub surrounding an ancient ritual known only as the ‘US Masters.’ Dash 28 itself has been trying to whip up a frenzy of excitement. No wonder given the proportion of the writing staff enrolled in this bizarre cult. Just what is it all about? Why is everyone acting so emotional? How does one get involved?

dictated by ancient prophecy and favoured condiment
Masters of the US-niverse
Every year there are Kings of War tournaments running across the globe. In the United States these tournaments can be registered with the ominously named ‘Masters Council’ who record the results, do some kind of arcane ritual and produce a ranking of players. I can only assume these mighty council members have ornate robes and meet under the full moon at a round table. Then again, America is an odd place at times so they could equally meet in a cafe that does those amazing burritos we can’t get in the UK.
The almighty Council of Masters decreed in ages passed that the US should be divided upon lines of state, head of population, mystical ley line and casual gerrymandering. These regions select players from within their midst to serve as tribute at the ultimate tournament known as US Masters. No one understands how each region makes these selections but rumour has it mathematics plays a significant part. Once the selection is made; these players of repute descend upon a hapless venue. All to decide who will be crowned Master of the United States for the following year and a day. I did wonder if they decide this by gladiatorial combat but apparently everyone just plays Kings of War.

Why the excitement?
When titans clash the ground shakes and all stare in awe and wonder. That sounds pretty cool right? Now imagine the titans are just some regular nerds, the clash is via Kings of War and the ground shaking is everyone racing to the bar between rounds. The awe and wonder is real though. These folks really know the tricks of their trade. Watching them play via the Dash 28 Livestream can offer insight into improving your game, especially with expert commentary from our reporters on the scene. You can find articles analysing the lists these titans of gaming have selected to divine potential outcomes to the coming conflict.
Even those of us across the pond dream of one day attending the US Masters. Naturally, as with any activity originating in Britain, another country just does it all so much better. Not to overlook the gargantuan efforts of the UK Masters committee who do an amazing job. It’s just a committee is somewhat understated compared to an almighty MASTER’S COUNCIL and I’ve yet to attend a UK tournament in a hotel with complimentary cocktails, a refreshment area with local real ale and a population of sparkly vampires in an aeons old feud with werewolves.
In summary: The US Masters showcase some of the worlds best players taking their best army lists, displaying some amazing modelling/painting and showing the camaraderie that makes Kings of War so great.

Getting involved…
If you aren’t already going along for 2022 then you can peruse the lists everyone plans to take here. They are organised by region so you can easily gain insight into your ‘local’ scene before examining the national game. Assuming you are in the US.
Those of you wanting to see games in action, complete with ‘expert’ commentary can check out the livestream here. Just bear in mind they are in US Pacific Daylight Time which is GMT-7 so the 10am kick off on Saturday is like… 5pm? I might be able to catch that if the kids aren’t arguing over Paw Patrol toys.
For your chance to be invited along next year keep an eye on Master’s registered events here.