The End of EasyArmy

You may be confused if you’ve received an email telling you that has cancelled your automatic payments. You might be wondering what the problem is. Were my lists just too filthy to tolerate? Did my very clever and hilarious custom unit names violate the terms of service? Has my partner finally found out how much I spend on gaming and is calling in some favors?

Well, those things might be true, but they aren’t what’s responsible. Mantic is on the verge of releasing an app called the Mantic Companion. They’ll be talking about it in detail on their company blog. One of the features of the Mantic Companion app is an official army list builder, which will effectively end their partnership with EasyArmy. You can read in their blog post about their plans to migrate the community to the new app.

I know people have mixed feelings about EasyArmy. I’d like to thank Greg for his work on it over the years. I found it adequate for my needs since I’m not a big list tinkerer, and I was happy enough to pay for it. But it also had some rough edges and timing problems in making updates available. So there’s definitely room for improvement.

The Mantic Companion promises to be more than just an official list builder. The list of promised features is impressive. If they are well implemented and embraced by the community, then this is going to cause a very large shift in how the community does things and how Mantic engages with us. Establishing a channel for rules clarifications and updates, and moving the community to a subscription model is likely to be a win-win for both the community and the business. But beyond that, features like finding other players near you and shared public lists are likely to make waves in all sorts of ways. This will be a very interesting time, and I’m looking forward to seeing what happens.

About Mike Adkins

I'm the admin for the site. You might run into me at events in the eastern US. I'm one of the Artistocrats, which means I get stomped by Alex Chaves and Mike Austin on the regular.

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One Comment on “The End of EasyArmy”

  1. Won’t it also be allowing users to track wins and losses with their lists? And help folks run things like campaigns or such? That seems like such great data for both users and Mantic (e.g., what units aren’t getting used, what lists appear to be over / under powered) and feels long overdue!

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