If you’re new to Kings of War, the Mega Army sets are a great way to start your first army. When playing a game you will usually be asked to make an army within a pre-agreed points limit, which is used to ensure armies in a game are of roughly equal potential. At time of writing most tournaments are using a 2300pt limit. For your first games you’ll probably play to a smaller points limit using the Ambush game rules as you build your force. Predictably, one of the first questions new players ask when choosing their Mega Army is “How many points is the army I’m getting here?”
To help choose your Mega Army box and give an idea of what you are getting points-wise, keep reading! Please be aware that the following armies aren’t built to be competitive in tournament play but to give you a usable starting force. Some models can be built as alternative unit types and characters used for different roles. Where sprues contain creatures for building a swarm I’ve tried to include these in the army. These armies also lack optional upgrades and magic items which can be used to increase the total points value. The current lists are made using the 2022 Clash of Kings update, and we’ll aim to amend them if the points values alter significantly in future updates.
Abyssal Dwarfs – 825pts
We’ll start with a favorite army of many old-school Warhammer players. The Blacksouls can be upgraded to have two-handed weapons that lower their Defence and increase Crushing Strength. The Slavedriver adds motivation for the Orcs and the Overmaster inspires the Blacksouls. By adding magic items and upgrading the Overmaster, this box can make a 1000pt starter force that hits like a hammer.

Forces of the Abyss – 1365pts
You get a lot of bang for your buck in this box. Imps on the infantry sprues can even be collated into a swarm as a bonus unit! There are also a lot of options on how you build the army by assembling more of the Lower Abyssals as Flamebearers instead to give more shooting. Between some upgrades and magic items you can field a playable 1500pt army.

Orcs – 1180pts
A lovely starter to your Orc hordes. You could leave the Trolls at home to field a 1000pt army with respectable infantry and a mobile element for flanking. To reach 1500pts, you’ll need to invest in a couple more units once you figure out what’s missing.

Basilea – 790pts
A lot of money for a disappointingly small army.

Dwarfs – 1020pts (1145pts)
If you fancy a gunline with solid anchor units, this is your box. As you expand you are free to add big mecha goats, badger cavalry, MOAR guns, and infantry with a punch. I’ve put a mix of Crossbows and Rifles, but you have build options to suit your personal preference. Likewise you can base the Ironclads as three regiments for future flexibility and put two side-by-side when using a horde.
Oh good grief I forgot there is also a regiment of Shieldbreakers in the box for another 125pts! Erm, pretend I did the below graphic as a 1000pt (ish) starter army to learn the game. I blame the weather.

Empire of Dust – 855pts
A great army for learning a combined arms style. You get infantry, cavalry and ranged units straight out of the box. Unlike the Abyssal Dwarfs who can stretch their points value to 1000pts with upgrades and magic items, the Empire of Dust would benefit from buying a unit like Chariots to bulk out the army. The only downside is having to field an army that embodies a colonial re-imagining of Egyptian history.

Elves – 1085pts
It’s a great starter army on paper, especially for a 1000pt starter league. Unfortunately, the models are pretty awful. Do yourself a favour and wait until Mantic revamps the Elf range. Until then, the Halfling and Northern Alliance models are utterly stunning. If you are really set on it, then go ahead. Drop a bolt thrower and put a 5pt magic item on the cavalry for 1000pts.

Forces of Nature – 1200pts
I adore this set. It’s excellent value for starting out. The Naiads give you the option of building infantry or ranged troops. The Salamanders are a solid infantry core. Naiads and Salamanders are units you’ll probably replace over time but will do you proud whilst learning the ropes. The biggest disappointment is the lack of a spellcaster to support your Shambling units with Surge. I’d look at a Gladewalker Druid and a unit of Elementals to round out 1500pts whilst you get to grips with the game.

Halflings – 1285pts
A solid core to an army that will take some work to get the hang of. A lot of the points total is wrapped up in a range of character models, so you’ll want to streamline your character choices once you find a direction to take your army in. You could potentially hit 1500pts with this box through upgrades and magic items, but it will be fragile. Do consider a unit of Ej Grenadiers and a Harvester or Trolls instead and dropping a character or two.

Northern Alliance – 1395pts
A little bit of everything to play with here. The Clansfolk sprues come with little Snow Foxes with which you can form a swarm; you won’t have full model count to begin with, but there is enough to decorate a base and let folks know what the unit is. Instead of the below army, you could assemble your Clansfolk as a Packhunter regiment with javelins or have three Snow Troll regiments instead of one and a horde. 1500pts can easily be reached with magic items for a fun starter army that will let you find your play style.

Riftforged Orcs – 1015pts
These are Orcs but with a delightfully Mantic spin. You get a solid 1000pt (ish) starter army for your money which can be expanded with an array of fun things like Manticores, a Shrine, or those Ogre/Cyclops thingies. Just beware of more mobile armies in your small starter games as they will outpace your footsloggers.

Salamanders – 770pts
Eeegh, I guess this is alright as a core set. If you add a Battle Captain model, then the army special formation is available for some fun shenanigans. Unfortunately it lacks any of the really fun parts of the army like Scorchwings and Lekilikeelloondoonnndons. (Ok, I don’t know how you spell that.) I’m not saying don’t get this box set, but you won’t have the full Salamander experience until you add more units.

Such a great idea for an article! You will help tonnes of people!
It’s a fictional game setting, leave your liberal agendas at the door. Why do you keep using hobby articles as a soap box? It ruins this website.
The kind words and support are really appreciated.