For this weekend (6-7 May 2023) only you have a chance to get 23% off Kings of War purchases from the Mantic games webstore with the voucher code TRUEKING23

I’m not sure quite why everyone is so excited about some boring dude getting a new hat studded with jewels we stole from India. Possibly something to do with holding on to an outdated sense of power and influence on the global stage? The cost of the whole debacle is £100 million in public funds. We could pay the yearly salary of 3500 newly qualified nurses or feed 50 million school children for a year using that money. Alternatively we could ask ourselves the following…
How much sweet KoW swag could we bag for the price of the coronation?

86,9565 Mega Armies
Imagine it. Nearly 87,000 new players with the start to their new armies. Wargamers across the country eagerly assembling regiment on regiment to get playing their first games. Ronnie sobbing in his office at the thought of trying to process that much stock in the Nottingham warehouse. Model glue supplies running dry the country over. Perhaps we can do better though? Let us look at maximum possible introductory potential.

2,857,142 Ambush starter sets
Ok, now we’re talking. That’s way more new players, each with ambush rules, assembly instructions and forces they can match up against with minimal fuss. Possibly even more of a headache to run all that stock through the warehouse but this is a hypothetical. As an additional advantage over the mega army sets these new players will all have forces fully supported by the Mantic plastic ranges.

4,000,000 Regiments of Riftforged Orcs
Now we’re talking. That’s a proper legion to be truly proud of. Alternatively that’s 2,000,000 hordes of Riftforged Orcs or 80,000,000 individual Orcs ready to mess up Pannithor. If you spent half an hour painting each individual Orc that would be 160,000,000 hours at the painting bench. Assuming you put all 4,000,000 regiments on the table at once and took ten seconds moving each regiment it would take 11,111 hours to complete your movement phase. If you put all those regiments side by side your table would need to be at least 500 kilometres wide.

10,000,000 Goblin Kings!
If we must have a King, how about a King we can all be proud of? That’s enough Goblin Kings to have a really great scrap over who gets to be King of Kings. There can be only one! Anarchy! Chaos! LONG LIVE THE GOBLIN KING! Oh gods I can’t believe David Bowie is really gone. Everything has been downhill since then. Where are all the sexy men in tight leggings dancing and singing about how they want me to join them in their fantastical world of the Labyrinth? Wait… What was I saying?

50,000,000 Elven Cats
That’s almost enough to give every person in the UK their very own little Elven kitty. <3
Aww crap. I forgot to factor in the 23% discount…