Summer is upon us, and with it comes the intoxicating promise of opportunity. A well-earned respite from school or work, joyous days in the sand and sun, a long anticipated family vacation or, maybe, even a local Kings of War league.
Here in my humble corner of the Kings of War community, it seems games have grown harder and harder to come by. Where once we held a weekly open gaming night, ran multiple one-day events per season, and even had several play throughs of a homebrew narrative campaign, as of late we have been reduced to a smattering of “practice” games in the run up to the handful of major Grand Tournaments in our calendar year.
In an effort to reenergize the established members of the community, as well as potentially recruit some new blood, I have decided to organize a summer league. Through a series of articles here on -/28 I will be documenting our exploits in an attempt to provide you, dear reader, with some entertainment and perhaps the inspiration to follow suit. Throughout this article you will find excerpts from the league document I created to give structure to my vision. At the end of the article you will find a link to the full document which you may implement or alter to your heart’s content.
The summer league is going to run one evening a week for eight weeks from the end of June to early August. While it would be great to have a large group of players who maintain perfect attendance throughout the duration of the league, that just isn’t the reality I am working with. We are all adults(ish) with busy lives and Kings of War is (inexplicably) not our number one priority. Therefore, I designed the league in such a way that folks are welcome to participate regardless of whether they can attend every single week or only once or twice.

Additionally, I wanted the league to appeal to new and experienced gamers alike. With that in mind, I established some very loose guidelines for painting and modeling.

I want players to stick with a single army throughout the league, so that they might hone their tactics, paint new units, and gain some general experience. However, I also want to make sure that the games feel fresh and interesting each week.

As I am getting ready to kickoff the summer league we have eight players and counting. During the first two weeks we will be playing games with the Ambush rules, with one slight modification. My local group played a lot of Ambush when the rules were first released and had a ton of fun, so I am looking forward to get back to it!

The next article will be written in August, wherein I will regale you with stories of triumph and tragedy from the tabletop, reflect on the structure of the league, and share plenty of pictures.
Until then, please look through the full league document and, as previously mentioned, feel free to make your own copy to alter and/or implement.
As always, drop your thoughts and questions in the comments section below!