It’s that time of year when a bunch of players in the US gather to determine who is the the Masteryist Master of the Masters. A tournament for the best of the US tournament scene. As I’m neither in the US nor am I a Master of the game who could be better placed to write her opinions on the lists involved? Yeah, well they haven’t submitted an article to the editor so you’re stuck with my analysis for now.
What is your pick for “Boogieman List” meaning the list you think everyone needs to be looking out for? You might also call it cheesy.
Daniel Johnson’s Forces of Nature Army. Like, that is a lot of Scorchwings my dude. A LOT! They fly, they shoot, they turn on a penny. Whilst those things are giving you a headache there’s a veritable swarm of flying horsies being a right pain in the arse and causing trouble. Earth Elementals are presumably for carrying tokens? Like what is even happening with this list and how is there so much cool stuff in it? Please excuse me whilst I go buy Scorchwings.
Why is this THE list to be worried about? I’ll be honest I only read the lists from factions I understand and appeal to me. I guess there might be some cool Dwarf lists ready to stomp the competition? This one just gets that combination of fast moving, nimble units with shooting and the support needed to provide a bucket of healing, endanger flanks or hex the crap out of things. I don’t know how I’d even begin to deal with this list.

What is your favourite list
Daniel Wright’s Halflings. No, I haven’t just picked based on names. I nearly chose Russel Romano’s Elves for that lovely combo of bowstring, hoof and wing. This is purely to celebrate the joy of seeing the Shirefolk represented in tournaments
It’s the image of thundering paws and clanking armour that really appeals to me here. Hordes of armoured Shire warriors cresting the hill with their swords held high, an aralez mounted warrior lowers her helm in preparation and grenadiers take to the skies in a whoosh of mixing chemicals. It’s a solid theme of a hard hitting, veteran detachment that stands out from the usual militia feel of the Shire. You can just imagine the things they’ve seen and the stalwart resolution that binds them to their cause. I love it.
The thing that really stands out to me is the lack of Aeronauts. That’s a bold move and one that’s sure to pay dividends as the points are invested in a harder hitting infantry core than the usual Halfling army. Good luck shifting two 20/22 hordes with nearby Rallying from the Saucerors. This is both a good list I look forward to seeing take the battlefield and a cool list I plan to steal ideas from myself.

What observations do you have on lists/Masters for this year
It’s all about the big stuff, big units, big creatures, big defence stats. Not titanic stuff, that seems to be lacking. We’re talking hordes, clanking armour, hulking brutes and vile abominations from the darkest places. That’s just the players! (Ahahahaha, OMG I’m so funny.)
The other thing that struck me is how many folks are taking large numbers of heroes. Either big nimble heroes on mounts to cause disruption and get those flanks or numerous spell caddies. It’s not what I’m used to and says a lot about the current meta. Cory’s ogres in particular were using caster support on a large (ahahahaha Ogres are big) scale which surprised me given how cool the hitty heroes are. Then I remembered what those girls can do with Lightning bolt and it’s effectively super mobile artillery. There’s going to be a lot of arcane energy swirling round this tournament.
I can’t ignore the Iron Beast in the room that the armies Mantic have recently shown a lot of love are under-represented. Riftforged Orcs, Halflings, Nightstalkers, Empire of Dust. Where are they? I mean I know they are on the shelf at home for most folks but it’s sad to see three undeniably Mantic offerings so neglected, Empire of Dust I’m not really fussed about. Will we be seeing some boosts for these in the next revisions? Certainly the Northern Alliance has a real boost on the horizon.
If you are looking for the lists they can be found here.
Great writeup. Good to know what happens in pro-town and what undercosted units are abused ad infinitum now (looks like it’s flyers now)!