The stockings are hung, the fairy lights twinkling and the tinsel is absolutely everywhere. Still you find yourself lacking in the festive spirit. What could be missing? Obviously that Kings of War touch to really make the most of the season. Don’t worry, here at Dash 28 we’ve got you covered.
Elohi Tree Topper
Nothing says holidays like impaling a shattered remnant of the Shining Ones on a wooden stake. As that might raise questions with the neighbours we have the next best thing. A cut-out and assembled Elohi. Simply select the pre-coloured or colour your own version below, print it out at your desired size, then follow the instructions here…
- Cut out the three parts of your Elohi. The body with head, wings and flaming sword.
- Curl the body into a cone shape and glue or tape the straight edges together. The head should stand up to sing or scream battle cries from atop your tree.
- Attach the wings to the back over your Elohi.
- Attach the flaming sword in the most dramatic or festive position. Maybe your Elohi raises it high, maybe they prefer a cross guard?
Pre-coloured Elohi

Colour your own Elohi