Kings of Hobby – Billy (January)

Billy here again, with an update on my Kings of Hobby project. I’m happy to report that I have accomplished my goals for the month!

Just as a reminder, I had set out to paint a regiment of infantry (succubi/lower abyssals/fleshlings), and build a test base for the army. I had also said that I’d like to build all of the bases for the army (although, I didn’t state that as a goal, so I’m not counting it).

I completed the regiment and test base (see below), but did not finish making the rest of the bases. Part of that is due to the fact that I am collaborating on the army with Austin Carrigan, for Blues City Brawl, in April. He has been 3D printing some amazing resin pieces for me to include, and I want to make sure that all of his wacky models can fit on the bases. We will be meeting up in February to get some basing work done.

I really wanted to give the impression that my minis were inside of a dimly lit dungeon, so I used a lot of blues and purples to convey that darkness.

I also wanted the leather on these minis to look shiny, so I added some gloss varnish to those pieces for more visual interest.

I tried to include little things like this rat to give the bases a lived-in feel. I plan on including little story bits like this throughout the army.

Bonus! I also got started on some Molochs! No bases as of yet, but I got a feel for how these guys will paint up. I LOVED painting these guys. They have a lot of rounded muscles, that are fun to paint, and doing non-metallic on surfaces with more texture i.e., chains, is a lot easier for me than smooth, flat surfaces.


2 points – Completing 100% of my painting goal

I didn’t get as much done as I’d have liked to, but I think I’ve hit my stride painting these minis, and I’m excited to continue.

Total Score: 2


For February, I’d like to finish my second infantry regiment, and the first horde of Molochs. Considering my hobby collaboration day with Austin, I should be able to knock out all of the bases as well.

Tune in next month for an update!

About Billy Smith

I'm a middle school English teacher, long-time dwarf enthusiast, and mediocre Kings of War player. I'm a member of the Blues City Brawlers KoW club, and all around rad dude.

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