Kings of Hobby May: Billy

Billy’s back this May with another Kings of Hobby update! I’ll be honest, I sort of cheated this month, which you’ll see below. However, I want to point out that while I might not have painted much in the way of Abyssals this month, I painted a huge amount of other stuff.

Firstly, I painted a second regiment of rangers for my oldhammer dwarf army. This way I have everything I need for tournament lists for now. Check out Kings of War Fanatics and the Dwarfs of Mantica pages on Facebook for more details.

As part of preparations for Mountaineer GT, I’ve built and mostly painted a new display board for my dwarf army.

I also painted 21 models for Deadzone. I have been the bane of my club’s DZ games with my Forge Fathers, so I decided to do something new. These were mostly a speed paint job, but they turned out okay and they certainly look table top appropriate.

Additionally, I’ve taken on a commission for a friend and painted two test models for his old-school wood elves. They’re painted in a more realistic scheme, so they’ve been a nice palette cleanse.

My younger brother has been wanting to play Kings for a while. I took him to the last Redstone Rumble back in 2016 and he had a blast. Now that he’s 21, he’s legal drinking age and has a little disposable income. He’s just lacking in the hobby department. I offered to paint an army for him, but he has to buy all the supplies and any extra models. He landed on Empire of Dust, and I just so happen to have 3 EoD army boxes! This is a very long winded way of saying, “I also painted a regiment of mummies.”

Finally, that brings me to this month’s Abyssal unit: Demon Lord, Ba’el, Bane of the Mortal Kingdoms. At 360 points, he well exceeds the KoH’s point minimum, but I do feel a little bad painting only one guy for this month. Hate the game, not the player.


2 points – Completing 100% of my painting goal

1 point – Adding one unit to the army

Total Score: 3


I took on a commission to paint some elves for a club mate, but I feel confident that I can squeeze in some paint time for this project. I hope to complete a regiment of Hellequins for June. I picked up a really cool mini to fill out most of the base, so I hope people enjoy it!

About Billy Smith

I'm a middle school English teacher, long-time dwarf enthusiast, and mediocre Kings of War player. I'm a member of the Blues City Brawlers KoW club, and all around rad dude.

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