And so here it is, the final curtain on this hobby challenge. This army has been a blast and I plan on recapping the whole army and going over the highlights, but first let’s take a look at this last month’s worth of work. For this month I did the bigger portion of the King’s Champions formation with one regiment of Stormwind Cavalry and a mounted Elven King:

With this unit, I once again wanted to challenge myself and so I decided to do a water element on these guys. Using corkboard I carved out the basis for the riverbed and then painted the solid base in water tones. Once all that was dry I used Elmer’s Glue to seal the edges and then sculpted the tree from green stuff in the same way I did my Forest Shamblers for this army and painted and flocked it.
Once the whole base was painted but before I laid the static grass down I painted each of the horsemen and attached them to the base. Then I applied the grass and sealed everything. Once that was accomplished I used some woodland scenic water effects to the river and let that cure before painting on the white caps of the rolling little stream. Overall, the effect turned out rather good and I’m pleased with it. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it!
That being said I completed 215 points of Stormwind and a 140 point mounted King for a total of 355 total points this month, earning me the full 3 Bragging Points!
This whole challenge has been a blast and it’s pushed me in a lot of ways that I wouldn’t have thought myself capable of some six months ago when we started. Just comparing my early units from this challenge (such as my archers) with my end units shows (at least to me) a huge leap in detail and ability. I know that I have a long ways to go, but I’m leagues ahead of where I was when I started.
To summarize with this project: my goal was to really push myself as far as basing and also painting projects went. With this army I learned how to use an airbrush, which I applied to both my Dragon Lord as well as my Drakkon Riders:

These two units also taught me the importance of highlighting as I had always known to layer my paints, but I never knew to what level I needed to push those colors to achieve the desired effects and really make them pop. Thanks again to Daniel Read for teaching me in that regards.
I also pushed myself to try sculpting my own units, something that scared me quite a bit before. Admittedly I was sculpting trees, but even so I was extremely pleased with how they turned out:

Lastly, I tried to make sure that I was accomplishing more dynamic and scenic bases with my units, starting with my first units and carrying on into my plans for the display board:

In the end I feel like I have accomplished most, if not all, of my goals for the army and have accomplished a dynamic looking and visually appealing army… even if it is the despised elves:

In the end I’m really glad that I was able to participate as I wasn’t sure that I would ever accomplish this project were it not for the deadlines that this activity forced on me.
Future plans for the army call for me finishing up the formation with another regiment of Stormwind as well as another troop of Silverbreeze and then I need to make a display board that carries through the setting of a Zen garden for my army. Look out on all the hobby pages on Facebook for future updates to come!
Here is a breakdown of the army and points that I have built during this challenge:
1 Horde of Elven archers: 250 points
1 Mystical Dragon Kindred Lord: 340 points
1 Horde of Awoken Guardians: 215 points
1 Forest Warden with the Skull Pole: 80 points
1 Horde of Drakkon Riders: 270 points
1 Troop of the Windborne: 170 points
1 Mounted Elven Mage: 90 points
1 Mounted Elven King: 140 points
1 Regiment of Stormwind Cavalry: 215 points
Grand total I painted and based 1770 points of an army not including magic items (except the skullpole which was modeled into the Forest Warden).
I’d love to hear your comments, criticisms, feedback, or put-downs for having the gall to play elves. Please leave your comments below and thanks for following me on this journey!