A New Home for Everyone’s Favorite Maps

The Kings of War community lost one of it’s members recently, Lars from the Giant Dwarf Podcast. As many of you know, Lars was responsible for the creation of some of the community’s most widely used tools in the Epic Dwarf map and scenario randomizers. The map pack in particular was very useful to help quickly set up a casual game, or provide TOs with a varied set of well balanced maps for their events.

With Lars’ passing, the future availability of these tools has become an issue as he was the only one with access to the domain registration and hosting accounts. So, we at dash28 are now happy to provide a new home for Lars’ Epic Dwarf map pack and randomizer in our new tools section. Feel free to continue using the tools at their original home for as long as it remains, or start using ours.

In the future, we are likely to add more map packs and possibly even additional tools to this section of the site. If you have requests, suggestions, or maps you would like to share, feel free to contact the admin.

About Mike Adkins

I'm the admin for the site. You might run into me at events in the eastern US. I'm one of the Artistocrats, which means I get stomped by Alex Chaves and Mike Austin on the regular.

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