Brotherhood of Blood: Update 13

Hello everyone, it has been a long while since my last update, and for that, I apologize. As my routines and schedules continue to shift with uncertainty, regular painting has alluded me. However, that is not to say I didn’t get any work done…

But first, last update I mentioned I would discuss some of the books I have been reading.

Well, I zoomed through the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Harry Potter books on audio, then I decided I wanted to read the rest of the series (I’m a Harry Potter fan so its a comfort thing to read through them), and promptly needed a new audiobook to grab my attention. Step in book 10 of the Wheel of Time, Crossroads of Twilight!

Crossroads of Twilight (Wheel of Time, Book 10): Jordan, Robert ...

Wheel of Time can be a polarizing series, but it sure as hell is long and I find it engaging, perfect combos for painting! I am only 4 hours in this book (a mere drop in its length), so no thoughts yet, except to say the audio for this series is EXCELLENT!

Hobby wise, I wanted to share two non-model related things I recently did. First, I painted a painting for my army. My thought was that it could go by my display board, serve as a nameplate, and opponents could use permanent markers to sign it. Once the painting was full, I would hang it up in my game area. It would be a cool way to remember those fun games and to sort of catalog the journey of the army.

I took this idea from Billy Smith the gentlemen of the South East, who with his Nature army did a similar thing with a banner, which he called his banner of friendship, thanks for the idea Billy!

In addition, I have been in a bit of a hobby funk, so I thought cleaning up my paint station may help, so here you can see it, all cleaned up, and with lots of fresh space to use! My hope is that with it being so inviting I will want to paint more (fingers crossed).

Along the lines of losing painting momentum, I have done a LOT of assembly, but not for Brotherhood of Blood. I put together models for Space Hulk the board game and for Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress, I did this while playing Heroes of Might and Magic with my brothers, and plan to use contrast paints on the lot, I may share some of those minis once they are finished, mostly to discuss the merits more of Contrast paints.

At this point, some of you may be wondering, did I actually paint for Brotherhood of Blood at all? Well, I am here to say YES, I finished my Ghoul Gast with Wings of the Honeymaze, that also served as my individual model for the Counter Charge paint contest.

This is the Strigioi Ghoul King from the Terrorghiest kit, with Wings added on from Tyranid Gargoyles. I converted it about 7 years ago, and am really happy to have finally gotten around to painting it!

I am particularly pleased with the amount of movement the pose works in. It helps give the feel of flying, without resorting to a brass rod pinned to a base.

Well, that is me for the last two weeks. I am going to try to get back to weekly updates, most likely switching to Saturdays, as Steve’s excellent news updates come out on Fridays. I am not certain what I will be working on next, originally I had planned a horde of Werewolves, using Atlantis Werewolves’, so I may try to push myself to do that, or I may pivot into something else.

What ever I do, rest assured I will give an update :). Until next week, stay safe, and stay hobbying!

About Jake Hutton

I am from Baltimore, Maryland; and have been in the wargaming hobby for 19 years, and a regular participant on the tournament circuit for 7. I am an avid hobbyist, and one of the hosts of the Unplugged Radio podcast. In addition to Kings of War I am a voracious reader, gravitating primarily to Fantasy/Science Fiction, Manga, and Graphic Novels, I also am a massive fan of Dungeons and Dragons, video games, and board games!

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