Ten really useful engines and the armies they play

1. Thomas

The titular character. Sodor’s number 1 engine. Known as the cheeky one. This reliable tank engine loves fun but is never shy of putting in a good days work. Thomas doesn’t expect to hold his own against the larger engines, having learned that lesson the hard way, but knows how to bring everyone together in accomplishing a goal. He truly is a very useful engine. When it comes to Kings of War night Thomas likes nothing more than pushing his Iron Beast across the table. There’s something about the community spirit and banding together in the face of stronger foes that makes Shirefolk appeal to the little blue engine. Harold drops in occasionally to give him tips on the best way to deploy aeronauts.

2. Percy

Everyone’s favourite small, green, mischievous agent of chaos and destruction. Is it any surprise that this 0-4-0 fields the finest horde of badly painted goblins ever assembled? There is something intoxicating about the variety of war machines he can gleefully throw on the table. Just be prepared for the whistles and steam whenever the War Trombone is mentioned. Lately our Percy has been trying to figure out his feelings towards the Mantic giant, sure it’s meant to be big but THAT big? It feels too much like letting the side down.

3. James

Always wanting to be unique, always wanting to be admired. Underneath it all a complete mess of anxiety and self loathing. Not just a description of myself but also the big red engine James. Is it any wonder his spiritual home is in command of the Elven elite? Unfortunately a tactical and strategic disaster (again James, not me) who tends to fall out with his dice and consistently snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. If you want to learn how to get the worst from an excellent selection of units then James is your engine.

4. Henry

A very serious tournament player who wastes no time with loyalty to any one faction. Henry is regularly seen on top table where every move is made with thought and precision. He is also the reason rounds are timed after he once took so long to move; the tournament organisers bricked him up inside the venue. You can learn a heck of a lot from our Henry, just don’t try doing so by challenging him to a game.

5. Gordon

The most important engine on Sodor and the only one strong enough to pull the express. Gordon has been playing Kings of War since the start and sits on the rules committee. If you want an opinion on the game or advice on your army then look no further. Actually, do look further, he tends to be somewhat inflexible in his outlook. Gordon has a mighty Abyssal Dwarf army and constantly complains about it being nerfed.

6. Toby

Once a well known face in the Fantasy Battle scene, Toby faded away once Age of Sigmar came along. Fortunately he discovered an alternative game of fantastical conflicts. Satisfied with a Brettonian army bought during a misspent youth Toby plays Order of the Green Lady. Always a pleasure to face and fountain of interesting tales he can be found propping up the bar between rounds. Everyone knows and loves old Toby.

7. Edward

Eager to please and always ready to lend a hand. Edward has probably organised more tournaments than he’s played in. That’s just the kind of community focused engine he is. Whilst most often on the bottom tables with the tank engines, Edward’s advice is still welcomed by the tender engines of top table. Since Clash of Kings 2022 came out all he has been talking about is how exciting it is to see his beloved Herd back to prominence.

8. Emily

Not amazing when it comes to boundaries so don’t be surprised if she rolls your dice when playing or takes your tape measure without asking. Fortunately Emily has a habit of making friends with everyone and will soon apologise for any mix ups. When it comes to competition things are very different, Emily is not out to make friends or offer any remorse for destroying your army on turn three. Beware her beautifully painted Salamanders for they take no prisoners.

9. Duck

Duck takes gaming seriously but not to the detriment of an enjoyable match. Sticking with what he knows and determined to learn all there is to doing it right. This has left the Great Western engine with a bit of a dilemma following the Clash of Kings 2022 updates, sure Ogres have this Big Deal going on but doesn’t that change things? Should he get some Boomer Chariots now? Is it cheating to change your list?

10. Diesel

A stuck up, untrustworthy powerhouse with delusions of grandeur, superiority complex and dedication to an intolerant dogma? You bet Diesel plays Basilea. Like, you kind of get the impression he actually believes some of the whole vibe too. In fact, the guy always wears black with red highlights and honestly you don’t trust what he might be saying around some of the younger and more impressionable players. At least he’s been talking about Riftforged Orcs lately.

About Jessica Townshend

Jess has been wargaming since the close of the 20th century. When not building tanks from plasti-card she can be found staring in terror at her painting backlog. Rumour has it she can explain THAC0.

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One Comment on “Ten really useful engines and the armies they play”

  1. Oh man, you know I now have to hobby the heck out of a completely Thomas the Train themed KoW army….

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