Dash 28 Staff Predictions RECAP

It’s always fun to predict things in Kings of War but only because it’s a free avenue for us to ramble and nobody usually goes back to see how accurate you were or if anything you said made sense. Today, we do exactly that. It’s time to shine a light back at our staff picks, give credit to the winners and more importantly make fun of the losers.

If you want to catch up, the article being referenced can be found here. All lists used at masters found here.

Lets break it down by category:

Favorite List

Although this selection wasn’t meant to be a competition of battle points, it is always cool to see a list you like do well, and for that the winners here are: Mike Adkins: Marc Taylor FoN and Brinton Williams: Keith Randall Elves.

Both Marc and Keith’s lists were part of a 3 way tie for 9th. Cracking top 10 is always an impressive outing at Masters. Funny enough the lists play a similar style with a large slew of flying units back by magic and other support. Highly recommend checking out both list if that style sounds interesting to you as there are definitely things you can take away.

Filthiest List

Most lists picked as Filthy finished quite well over the weekend with the one exception being Jeff O’Neal’s goblins which struggled get a footing this weekend. Was it a combination of bad luck, wrong match ups or do the authors who picked it just need to learn to play the game and deal with it because its not that bad?

Losers: Greg Person, Alex Chaves, Mike Adkins

Who will be the Master?

Keith Randall, you brilliant son of a bitch, knocked this prediction out of the park. There’s not much else to say here other than some potential regional biases got exposed. Even more props to Keith for overcoming those biases and not picking the player in his region who made it to final table. As somebody with more 2nd place trophies than anyone else in Kings of War, I suppose he is the most qualified to see a choke coming.

Who will be the Paragon?

I am very pleased to say that there were both some new and unexpected faces at the top of Paragon this year. Congrats again to Shawn Polka, Mike Szedlmayer and dash 28’s own Brinton Williams.

Dark Horse/Breakout Performance?

I love watching new or unknown players have a breakout performance. Although these players are neither, its cool to see them get good results. Both Marc Taylor and Matt Griffin got 9th/13th respectively which although might not constitute “breakout”, it means they got consistent results over the weekend.

Losers: Brinton Williams: Not going to shame anyone, but if your intention behind your pick was to curse them all weekend it looks like you succeeded.

Best Battle Region?

I think its fair to say that between all rounds it was the closest competition between regions yet. I would love to see a breakdown by region per round. Local biases played a factor again here but a huge congrats to the South for holding their title as best battle region and a small clap for those that picked them, let me guess you like the NY Yankees and the NE Patriots too?

Winners: Keith Randall, Greg Person, Tom Annis, Mike Adkins, Mike Rossi, Brinton Williams

Other predictions?

Oddly enough, every “other” prediction was completely wrong so since I didn’t make one I am going to declare myself the winner.

For those keep score at home:

Keith Randall2
Greg Person11
Tom Annis1
Alex Chaves11
Mike Adkins21
Mike Rossi1
Brinton Williams21

Congrats to Keith Randall, with 2 solid predictions, no noteworthy losses and more importantly, picking the actual Master correct, it turns out you might have some vague idea of what you are talking about. Oh and he also finished in the top 10 as well playing in the event. Pay attention next time you see his name on article. As for the guy who defaulted himself a prediction correct and only took losses, stay tuned for more nonsense coming your way soon.

About Alex Chaves

Gamer based out of Washington D.C. and member of the gaming club "The Aristocrats". I have traveled most of the country in search of King of War events, bringing beer, board games and a good time with me. Contributing to -/28 in the form of tactics articles and other rants!

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