I unfortunately did not get anything painted for this last month, but I did work pretty extensively on testing the new Contrast Paint line, you can find my article about them here. After six months, that is what I have managed to paint for my newest army project.

One Regiment of Tortured Souls – 145 Points

One Regiment of Imps- 70 Points

Mau’ti-bu-su 160 Points

Total- 375 Points
Points wise it falls well short of nearly every other contestant, excepting Joey who painted like one thing! However, I am really happy with this starting point for my army project. What is painted turned out great, and together they form a nice little contingent.
Some learning points I took from this challenge, first, in a army challenge, pick a project you can paint a little quicker. One and a half months on a regiment of imps for instance, will not win you these contests!
Second, try starting with a larger part of the army, like an infantry regiment or horde, as this gives a big chunk of the volume of the army done early.
Finally, challenges like this, win or lose, are a lot of fun and great to get army project moving. We will be taking a break from Kings of Hobby for a while, but I have some plans already forming for the next one!
Thank you for following my progress, as well as my successes and failures. After six months I finish solidly in 4th, with 6 Bragging Points.