A little bit late this time around (somebody really oughta yell at the GM for this thing to get his stuff together… seriously!) but we have the results of round 2!
King Billiam XXXVII vs Burgus Stoneheart
Game Played: 2150 point in-person game of Ransack played at the TNT GT.
Game Result: What happens when you place an unstoppable force against an unmovable object?
Find their battle report here.
The Captain vs Yuil Drassil
Game Played: 1500 points game of Invade
Game Result: Drassil continues to gather underlings to his horde
Find their report here.
The Hag Zoraida vs Dictator Prefect Christos of Ardar
Game Played: 2000 points of Invade
Game Result: Glory to the Hegemony!
Find their game here.
With these results having been tallied, the map now looks like this:

Once again, as some of you have already done, please take a few minutes to read these battle reports and leave your feedback, along with your vote for your favorite battle.
This is extremely important as last month’s voting resulted in a dead draw, so, unfortunately, no one got the extra points! That means the current standings are as follows, right now
Mike leads with two victories at 4 points total
Billy, Alex, and Chris are all tied up at 3 points each
Ashley and Jake vie for last place with 2 points apiece.
Notice that I have not added in the extra points for the hexes owned as that will be done after the last report is posted and the results are tallied for final scoring.
The Historian’s Record
In that same year of the Common Era, that of 3864, now in the month of the Valley Gourd Spice, a cold wind did blow upon the mountains of Kavus.
It was in this time that the infamous Captain did march upon the city of Windy Hills in order to liberate it from what he perceived to be a lucrative threat and was met by the spirit of the forest in mighty battle. The beleaguered forces of man were abruptly beaten into submission and the mighty Tree Lord Yuil Drassill did come forth to speak reason unto the warriors. It was not until he offered them bribery did they agree to stop their pointless squabbling. The forest spirit taught the Captain of the growing threat to the south and warned him of the danger this old evil held for the people living in the shadow of the mountains. He explained his plan to defeat the darkness and cautioned the humans to leave things alone for now while he prepared to face the hag himself. However, the large gift of silver had piqued the Captain’s interest and he couldn’t help but wonder if the talking tree was willing to gift so much just to have them leave things alone, how much more would he pay for the hag’s head itself?
Further to the south, the dark witch herself was reeling from another defeat. Her screams of rage and frustration echoing throughout the empty buildings of the Ruins of Vrett. How could things have gone this wrong? What was happening that was stopping her from realizing her goals? She cast about in her dark rituals for some glimpse, some glimmer of hope that might arise in her future, hoping to change the winds of her fate. There arose a small spark of hope and she clutched it to her, fanning it into a flame that filled her whole being. Something was coming, and with it came the chance for redemption and a possible pawn in the coming struggles. She cackled to herself and sent her shadowy minions out into the night to gather her dark hordes to her.
Meanwhile, the Basileans, fresh from their triumphant assault on the haunted woods of the hag but also weary from their exertions, make a fateful decision to take a shortcut back home through the established kingdom of King Billiam XXXVII without his invitation. The dwarf king, upon hearing of this affront and assuming the Basileans meant invasion, leaped from his sickbed where he lay recovering from his wounds he gained whilst fighting the mighty Heart of the Mountain to the east. Grabbing his mighty hammer, the stoic monarch mounted his now weary but loyal battle pug, sounded his horn and once again began the march to battle.
King Burgus Stoneheart was also recovering from his fight with King Billiam. The aches in his body only mirrored the darkening cloud of his mood. Victory had been so close! Yet it had slipped away so suddenly! In the end the only reward he’d had from attacking Billiam was a crushing headache and dead kinsmen. It was while he was in this foul mood that he began to notice a shift in the wind. Suddenly the air began to smell of lilacs and tree moss. He heard a voice on the wind, and it seemed to be calling to him. He squinted into the distance and thought he saw the visage of a tree beckoning towards him. He shook his head, a movement he immediately regretted, and grumbled about having hit his head so hard that he thought a tree was trying to talk to him. Then he heard the horns of his scouts and saw the forest take shape into what looked like battle lines. He growled and grabbed his axe, even though it was not meant for hewing firewood. At least this battle would at least yield him something to keep his troops warm in the coming autumn nights!
Alright everyone, that wraps this month! Please go and vote for your favorite battle report from this month and get ready for the next round that will be coming soon. This time we have the following matchups:
Chris vs Billy
Mike vs Alex
Jake vs Ashley
Remember to comment either on this article or on the battle report itself which article wins your vote and also why you liked that one so we know how to build our articles in the future.